arrow.gif (463327 bytes)

To See A Larger picture of the chaneled halo click the image above!

Description-The Arrow Has 3 Shooting strings(spaced out perfectly) one used as an arrow to direct the ball down the center of the head for a smooth accurate throw!The Shape of the arrow has been modified a little bit from the picture!(Its more Rounded)

Price-Supplies-$16(this includes;soft or hard mesh,2 sidewall strings,3 shooting strings,1 back supporter,1 Top String)-(we do not make money off of this)

Price-To string-$23(this is the actual stringing of the pocket!)

Price-Total-$39(this includes all the supplies and the labor)

*note*-if you already have all or some of the supplies send them in to us,and we will subtract form the price!
